The Green Economic Institute of
Transition, Research & Development

GEITRD works to advance clean energy through technology, education, and finance innovation.


The Green Economic Institute of Transition, Research and Development's mission is to foster better insight, Training practices, Workplace Skills, Communications, Economic Development, Re-entry, Affordable Housing, and the Presentation and Implementation of Green Projects. Guided by an array of professionals, projects that will use methods of Connectivity, Sustainability, Housing, Training, scientific inquiry and investigation as we all learn about our environment by engaging economically in a unified effort to preserve our future on this planet.


We Assist You In Going Green

GEITRD provides various green energy resources including solar, wind, geothermal, hydroelectric, and biomass.
Solar Energy Renewable Energy

Solar power – the sun - is endless and can be accessed anywhere on earth or in space at one time or another. New technologies in solar energy continue to expand capturing more of the sun’s rays.

Renewal Energy Green Lighbulb

Hydroelectricity energy does not require any fuel by using the flow of water to prevent pollution or greenhouse gases. Geothermal energy is heat energy from the earth.

Renewable Energy Wind Power

Wind is an abundant and inexhaustible resource providing electricity without burning any fuel or polluting the air which helps reduce our reliance on fossil fuels.


To Improve
Get Development and Go Green

To improve relations and cooperation between colleges and universities, municipalities, companies, our justice system and people on green economic development issues, decreasing negative environmental incidents

To Create
Get Development and Go Green
To create opportunities to work collaboratively on projects and green enterprises, improving communities for the fastest growing population-the previously incarcerated.
To Involve
Get Development and Go Green
To involve community members or business people as facilitators, supporters and sustainers of the Institute’s projects, building a more civic-minded society.
To Teach
Get Development and Go Green
To teach students the skills of classifying, identifying, inventorying, researching, and describing green development issues strengthening their awareness and learning.
To Research
Get Development and Go Green

To take abstract research concepts and apply them practically, preparing us for the world of working and living green.  Training those re-entering the community in green fields.

Go Green Solutions
Get Development and Go Green
  • Solar Panel Manufacturing
  • Solar Farm Construction
  • Solar Farm Deconstruction
  • Wind Turbines
  • Turbine Generators
  • LED Light Conversions / Installations
  • Eco-friendly Insulations
  • Energy-efficient Heat Pumps
  • Energy Audits
  • Weatherization

The Green Economic Institute of Transition, Research & Development (GEITRD) has become a research and environmental institution on an International level. GEITRD assists investors with real estate development with and green energy insights to manage the cost of doing business through Blended Finance and Grant Funding. The Green Economic Institute of Transition, Research & Development has initiated its training programs in 2023 in conjunction with our local churches to prepare our young high school and college students to participate with future development in the workforce 

At this time, GEITRD envisions a specific use for projects that focus on Connectivity, Sustainability, Housing and Training throughout the International community, where hard economic trends has been evident, for perfect training grounds. 

Farmer has worked with local leaders to embrace the “Green Concept of Economic Development“. GEITRD Center in Cleveland Ohio will be a model for environmental training and economic research — an incubator, research and development center, job training complex and home to progressive tenant organizations where all endeavors addressed the principle of sustainability. 

The sustainable and functional office/commercial facility will feature:

  • Connectivity, Sustainability, Affordable Housing, Green Projects, Business Training & Class Small Business Development, Panel Instillation;
  • Real Estate Investing, Manufacturing of Solar Panel and Instillation A large solar array that will provide the buildings energy needs; As well as sophisticated design strategies to reduce the energy needs of the building.

The building will be a pilot for other municipalities and help in the creation of like training centers throughout the state. This will help move the State of Ohio forward in the green building movement.

Don't Know Where To Start?

Get Solutions For Going Green

The Green Economic Institute of
Transition, Research & Development

25000 Euclid Ave. Suite 402
Euclid, Ohio 44117
Phone: 216-202-7375

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